Introductory Blog Post- David Wang

2a. I have taken science courses such as AP Chemistry and AP Physics C.
2b. I enjoyed taking AP Physics C then most because it involved using math equations to solve real life situations.
3. I would like to develop a basic yet comprehensive foundation of biology.
4. I am interested in the tailgating project. I have once volunteered at my high school to clean up the trash around the school. I believe that this project could help everyone in regards to understanding the main source of land pollution so that everyone makes better environmental decisions in the future.
5. I believe that this could help develop my responsibility and leadership.
6. I would like to learn more about environmental sustainability and evolution.

Michael Burnett

In high school I took Biology, Chemistry, AP Physics 1, and AP Physics C. I enjoyed physics the most because my teacher was really down to earth and connected with his students. It was also math based, my best subject. Hopefully through this course I will have a better understanding of the living and how to preserve life moving forward in life. I am beyond excited for my first tailgate as a college student, but the tailgating project for post-game cleaning really brings interest. Growing up I always enjoyed going to Georgia games with my dad or friends, and these experiences only makes me more curious on how the cleanup process works and how we, as students, can do better to preserve our environment. Through this project, I feel like I will learn that more people are curious about this similar problem, and we can all come together to research and prepare for future tailgates. Through this Biology course, I hope to learn more about genetics and how they shape who we are and what we look like.

Sam Greenwell

In High School, I took Biology, Chemistry, and Physics, with Chemistry being at the AP level. I definitely enjoyed Chemistry more than the other two because of the teachers I had, but physics was also a fairly enjoyable class. I would like to develop a better understanding of the relevance that Biology has on my everyday life, which is something that didn’t happen in high school Biology. The tailgate project most intrigues me, because I have tailgated before, and being in high school at the time made me a little naive to the fact that the trash left behind really leaves a footprint. Because I know that tailgating is such a big deal on this campus, I would assume that would be the most appealing to a great deal of students. I would probably learn that cooperation when it comes to civic engagement is not ever going to be mandatory, so it’s hard to be too aggressive in getting people to help out. But at the same time, in order to make a change, assertiveness is key. I will also learn that while what we do can be a step in the right direction, even further action must be taken to completely resolve a certain issue. I want to learn more about genes and heritability.

Joshua Baker

  1. This is me! My roommate/best friend from middle school took this photo of me last night while I was reading something!

2. A. I took a lot of physical sciences in high school, including AP Physics C. I last took a life science in 9th grade and I was not the biggest fan of the class to say the least (to be fair, I was a gifted student who was wrongly placed in a lower level class, so…)

B. I liked physics a lot because it explains how our world works in a mathematical way. I think that’s the thing I like most about Statistics, my major. They both mathematically model our daily experiences. I haven’t found that same excitement in Biology yet but maybe this year will be different!

3. I want to enjoy biology and learn more, especially the data-oriented side of it. Among my potential jobs in the future, I am considering working as a statistician for the CDC so Biology would be very important.

4. I love visiting bodies of water and admiring their beauty so any project involving the preservation of that beauty is interesting (ie the watershed cleanup). I was pretty good at Statistics in high school so I could maybe help with the data analysis portion of the project. The health and wellbeing of our environment is probably a major concern for many students so they will react in a more positive way to try to preserve the watersheds if they see the trash.

5. I think I’ll learn how much it helps just to try to help one piece of trash at a time. Every little bit helps and no one piece is insignificant.

6. I want to learn about immune diseases and any potential link to other factors. Many of my family members have an autoimmune disease, myself included, so I would be very interested in learning more about it.

Marianne Lamarche

Hello! I’m so excited to be in a class with all of you, and thanks in advance to anyone who reads this post!

I don’t have that much experience with science classes beyond basic honors chem and bio in high school, as well as AP Physics. My favorite may have been physics because of its high math focus and typically macro lens. However, science has always been my toughest subject, so I feel very grateful to be in this non-science-people bio class!

In this class, I would love to discover a greater interest for biological sciences. I hope to increase my environmental awareness, and maybe learn some cool facts about genetics!

I would be so happy to participate in the outreach with Clarke Central High School students! I have lots of prior experience in programs involving tutoring/mentorship/education that I would love to contribute to this project (even if I don’t have that much expertise to bring to the table!). It would be interesting for my fellow students and me to gain experience working in science classrooms, as well as investigate the bacteria in the soil around our campus – an issue that should concern us all!

Participating in this project would help me grow in my civic engagement in a new way, as in the past, I have focused my community involvement solely in fields that I felt very comfortable and knowledgeable in. This would be a different but necessary experience, and I hope my participation would help both the high school students and our shared environment.

Within the field of biology, I’m interested in family genetics, the intersection of biology with psychology/neuroscience, and what I can do every day to protect the biodiversity around me. Since we are studying water and bacteria, I would also love to know the truth about how often/if/why we need to wash reusable water bottles if we only keep water in them — something admittedly pretty insignificant but that I’ve debated about with friends for a long time!

Travis Introduction

In high school, I took biology freshman year, chemistry sophomore year, physics junior year, and computer science senior year. I have always been more interested in the technology based sciences. Since my major is computer science, I get to take a lot of courses about software and hardware development/engineering.

It has been quite a long time since I have studied biology, so I am excited to see what I remember and also learn more about what I don’t know. I am mostly looking forward to learning about not just the specific processes and definitions that make up biology, but also how it applies to our day to day lives.

I believe that the outreach with Clarke Central High School students project is the most interesting and beneficial project. Every student will be able to collect their own samples and test them, which gives everyone their own results and sense of involvement in the project. I haven’t had any experience with a project like this, but it seems like an exciting opportunity. I think other students would enjoy this too because it is dealing with harmful bacteria that can end up affecting the entire world.

The harmful bacteria we would research in the outreach with Clarke Central High School is an issue that I haven’t heard of until today. This is something that I am sure a lot of others don’t know about that we can raise awareness for. We could learn if there is anything we could do to help or if there are things that other companies can change to prevent these bacteria from forming and spreading.

I want to learn more about the environmental effects of human actions. I want to know more about how human actions with the environment has harmed or changed the climate on earth.

Silvy Park

2) a) I have taken honors biology, honors chemistry, and AP chemistry in high school.

b) I preferred the biology class more, although I took more chemistry classes.

3) From this class, I would like to learn concepts about biology that will be helpful in my life. I want to apply the learned concepts to my life instead of just learning and forgetting about them after the course is complete.

4) In my opinion, group projects, especially when it comes to helping out the environment, are very fun and interesting. At my high school, we had many service projects that included cleaning up and restoring the exterior of the school. Thinking about my peers, I believe issues that affect them like water quality will be the most appealing.

5) By helping with the service-learning, I would learn the extent of how we as humans are affecting the planet and feel a sense of community. I believe that seeing the effects firsthand will teach me to change the way I think and live. Additionally, I would learn about how to implement public strategies.

6) In general, I would like to learn more about the quality of water (the pathogenic organisms) since it affects human health.

Chase Rasem Ghannam – go to US; 30.3195° N, 86.1374° W

My name is Chase Rasem Ghannam. It means Hunter – Reflection – Shepherd. The coordinates above are for my grandparents restaurant in Seaside, Fl (go there for great food). I’ve taken High school Biology, Chemistry (I liked Chemistry the most), and Physics. I appreciate the sciences as my grandfather was an allergist and created simethicone while studying at the University of Michigan. While I am a business major, I plan on continuing my education in science to satisfy my natural curiosity of the brain. I plan on taking a course in some field of neuroscience at some point. For now, I will enjoy learning basic concepts from this class that should lead me to a greater understanding of future options of interest relating to this field. As a student, I am interested in the Outfall Inspections project as I am curious to learn the process of a scientific inspection and how it might relate to business practices of financial data collection and even analysis. I would like to gain a greater understanding of how connected the sciences are to civic engagement outside of sustainability efforts commonly publicized. I want to learn more ways to connect Biology to business and have a personal knowledge set where I can create more connections.

Ted Otto

2. I took a Biology and a Chemistry class in high school, but most of my experience is with Physics. I liked Physics the most largely due to the scale of the knowledge.
3. I’m looking for a more context and connections between Biology and the world.
4. I think that the watershed cleanup project is interesting as it targets the problem itself, creating a solution while mitigating the damage already done. It seems to be focused on a sustainable, permanent solution.
5. By participating in service learning, I’m able to further my learning while making a visible difference in the community where I live. I’ll gain the knowledge that I made a difference in the environmental well-being of the area.
6. I’d like to learn more about how people interact with the environment and with organism we cannot see.

Ashley Nelson

  • Last semester I took a geology course for nonscience majors and I took IB SL Chem in high school.
  • I would like to gain an interest in biology. I have always loved chemistry but could not find the same fascination with biology, excepting genetics units which I have always found fascinating.
  • I really like the idea of working to educate people about the dangers of littering and contaminating watersheds. I feel like you always hear about how your trash goes to the ocean and not the other bodies of water (that are so crucial to our environment) that are affected. I think that focusing on more local issues may resonate more with people (we are more likely to act when immediately affected). I have worked on different community education projects in the past, though never any science-based ones.
  • I expect to learn more specifics on how our community and others are affected by these issues. I also believe it will teach me more about how to successfully interact with and educate the community.
  • I would really love to learn more about genetics, especially about the causes and effects of mutations. I think mutations like red hair and heterochromia (and not only total heterochromia) are particularly interesting as they seem to have little effect on survival (positive or otherwise) but still occur fairly often. I also think that learning more about biochemistry could be interesting though I have no specifics that I want to know more about.