Allaina Siler Introduction Post

Hey, my name is Allaina Siler, and here’s my introductory information!

1)   a) Although I haven’t taken any science classes at UGA, in high school I took Honors Biology, Honors Chemistry, Physics, and AP Chemistry.

b) My absolute favorite would have to be Honors Chemistry because I learned a vast amount of information about the different types of chemistry without the rigor and element of anxiety of AP Chem.

2. Because this will be the only biology (and science) class I’ll take at UGA, due to my art major and Spanish minor, I hope to learn as much as I can about how biology can relate to every-day life. Rather than simply viewing diagrams about a topic such as the cycling of nutrients, I want to get involved and experience it on a personal scale.

3.  I’d love to learn the ideal components of soil, as well as the different types of antibiotics that contaminate it, so I’ll understand how humans harm this particular facet of the environment. In addition, I’d hope to understand how I can compost as a student living in a dorm (on meal plan).

4. I think we could most appeal to students by informing them of the impact failing to compost has on their food. Because about every college student loves food, if we told them how their favorite dishes could be enhanced in terms of quality and flavor with the help of composting, they would take it seriously. Or, as global warming is a hot topic, the connection between composting and lessening the greenhouse gases would apply to them.

5. Because I abhor public speaking, I’d love to learn tools to both make myself and my potential audience more comfortable when I’m giving them information. I’d also love to learn different types of visual aids I could use to engage the audience.

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