Bio Infographic

What: This is infographic is intellectually stimulating almost the entire way through. To begin with it starts out by pointing out the agricultural and biological advantages of composting along with some helpful statistics. It goes on to display the chemical composition of compost and discusses the chemistry behind the necessary factor of creating the right ratio of carbon to nitrogen in order to create the ideal conditions for compost. The infographic also establishes its relevancy to the audience by addressing common households personally by including them in the statistics. It also addresses the audience when it discusses the convenience of community composting programs and their benefits and when it explains a step-by-step how-to compost for beginners. Through this, the infographic is targeting the average family household. The infographic is both creative in its design and information. The small pictures and overall structure of the pamphlet makes it an interesting read that is easy to follow. In order to make the information creative, the author includes some interesting statistics and not only explains what compost is but also tells the reader exactly what they can do to be a part of this green movement.


Gut: I was very pleased with the infographic as a whole. The creator did an excellent job of hitting on all the major aspects that someone new to composting would inquire about. In doing so, the creator has made it more likely that the person reading this will feel both confident and motivated to take the next step in composting themselves. The structure of the infographic flowed very nicely all the way from why should we compost to how to compost yourself. It’s good that the reader can just about get all of the necessary information that they need just from this infographic alone.


So What: The part of this infographic that I had not thought about before was the segment in which the creator addresses the existence of community composting programs. This is extremely helpful for someone who is new to the process altogether. The idea that composting could be a community process rather than an individual one will make people more likely to participate. The individual will usually follow the herd. I believe that the creator wanted the reader to understand that composting itself isn’t a tough habit to start. The how-to is simple and short and can makes the task seem a little less daunting and laborious. He also seeks to display how beneficial composting is not only to farmers but society as a whole.


Now What: Although this infographic is extremely well made, I feel that we would need something a little more shocking in order to convince young adults. Since the earth’s well-being is the last thing on a college student’s mind, we would need to include facts or statistics that would be sure to grab their attention. Students would only be pushed to really care if they were aware that these composting and its benefits have a major effect on their lives in some startling way. Including some information on how composting can actually save you money in some way would also be helpful, because college students will do anything to save a buck.

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