Composting in Your Apartment


  1. The infographic provides intellectually stimulating content through ingenious ways to compost with an urban lifestyle. Nowadays, with the rise of so many life-hack channels on youtube, the idea of easy ways to compost would surely appeal to a consumer.
  2. As composting, and waste management at large, is an issue in urban communities, said communities would find information that lightens the load of waste directly beneficial to their everyday, while potentially finding a sense of fulfillment in contributing toward lessening the impact of climate change and pollution.
  3. The infographic uses a consistent colour palette with icons for ease of understanding, making an easily digestible graphic. This is accompanied by many different ways of composting that are not commonly thought of.


  1. I was interested to learn the ease of starting a vermicomposting system within the home, along with the various methods of composting materials that are traditionally discouraged in large-scale composting (paper that may fly around in compost piles, etc).

So what:

  1. The infographic is sourced by, an organization based in New York that has been working on sustainability issues since 1987. Looking at organizations with history of sustainable use activities helps researcher draw on years of data and practice, just as farmers do with centuries of agricultural development.

Now what:

  1. The infographic does not consider the following
    1. The dislike of worms and dealing with them
    2. Potential smell of compost
    3. Laziness
  2. Clearly, the infographic is meant to target individuals who are readily invested in the sustainability of their actions, not those who are only mildly invested. As such, tactics need to target larger operations such as businesses, offices, apartment complexes, etc. This will make sure that there is communal accountability, leading to more investment and contribution in composting.

2 thoughts on “Composting in Your Apartment

  1. This infographic provided a step by step process of how to be environmentally friendly and compost, even while living in an urban setting. The infographic itself was very neat and easily understandable. Like you said, the color palate and icons help with the infographic’s readability and overall present a clear and concise graphic. The purpose of the infographic was to teach people who live in apartments how they can compost indoors. My only issue with the infographic itself was that it does not give any reasonings for people to want to compost and therefore only is relevant to people in apartments who want to compost. The graphic’s audience is pretty limited. The graphic itself only has vital and important information, but I guess the first line where it gives the list of things needed is the only redundant piece of information that could be cut. Another possible title for this post is Urban Indoor Compost.

  2. Hi Karan, I really like your infographic!
    1. I think the main message of this graphic is to simplify the process of composting by depicting each step carefully. The information is presented in an easy-to-understand way. I also like that it includes pictures of each step as a way to reduce ambiguity and confusion. I feel a lot of people get confused on what to actually put in a compost bin, so I like that this graphic simplifies the process by mentioning common items most people would already have in their apartment.
    2. I agree with your thoughts on the color palette. It is not so overwhelming where it makes the text too difficult to read, however it is not so light where it is taking away from the appearance of the infographic.
    3. The purpose of the infographic is to lay out, step-by-step, how to create a compost bin and what items to compost for someone living in their apartment.
    4. I feel like the title of this infographic is pretty well done, it is not too long and immediately lets the viewer know what the infographic is about. Another possible title could be Composting Made Easy – For Your Apartment

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