Composting Infographic- Idan Kirshenbaum

This infographic is intellectually stimulating and extremely informational. It provides information about vermiculture, a process similar to composting, but it uses worms in addition to microbes and bacteria to turn organic waste into a nutrient-rich fertilizer. This graphic includes information about which types of worms to use, proper containing methods, what to feed the worms, and how to use the vermicompost. All the information in this graphic is relevant to vermiculture and presents the information in an organized, creative way for the reader to understand easily. The structure of the material and the simplicity of the vermiculture process described in this graphic surprised me and helped make this graphic very comprehensible. I hadn’t ever thought about how easy it would be to compost in my own home as the process is so simple and is described so well in this infographic. I believe it is essential that us as students help spread the word and teach other on campus that it is almost effortless to compost.

2 thoughts on “Composting Infographic- Idan Kirshenbaum

  1. I like this infographic a lot. The choice of colors and fonts, as well as the clever pun at the top, do a lot to attract the reader. The infographic provides information about using worms for composting in an easy-to-digest fashion. I think the taxonomic names of the different worm types could have been removed, though, as they are not really meaningful for a layperson just learning about composting.

    One potential title for the infographic could be “Composting, Worms, and You: How to Use Your Leftovers to Save the Environment”.

  2. The main message of the infographic was to show how to begin composting at home. It showed what worms, containers, and materials were good for composting. The readability was great. The captions were well placed and the font/color choice was great for reading as well. The purpose of this infographic was to show that starting your own compost bins at home aren’t as difficult or complicated as people usually think. The infographic showed this in a very effective, but simple, way. This infographic was really good and I really liked all of the information that it presented; however, if I were to choose something to be cut, I’d choose the lengthy descriptions for the worms. A great title for this would be “How to Compost at Home”

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