Hi! I’m Josh!

  1. I took honors biology, chemistry, and human anatomy as well as AP Physics. I liked human anatomy a lot because I learned about the anatomy of the human body and the physiological nature of humans which I was able to apply to myself when I go to the gym. I also enjoyed physics because I felt like I had a better understanding of nature of motions by the end of the year. This (BIOL2103H) is my first science class in college.
  2. I want to have fun, get a good grade, and be more environmentally aware so that I can live accordingly.
  3. The outreach with the high school students seems very fun because we get to give back to kids who likely look up to us and we all get to help contribute to a national database, and being apart of something on the national scale is something that is very cool for teens.
  4. Given that our class is an honors course, I would imagine that many of us are interested in creating a new type of project/initiative as we are all very high achievers.
  5. By helping with this service learning, we can learn about how ideas involving civic engagement are thought of and developed, the importance and impact that involving the whole community can have, and about other successful civic engagement programs and the qualities that enabled them to succeed.

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