TPP Vox Card Stack

I chose to check out the Vox card stack on the Trans-Pacific Partnership. I spent a lot of time studying and discussing this deal last semester in my International Law class, but I still found this stack to be informative and interesting.

Something I found especially interesting was the card on copyright provisions in the TPP, which I had not heard about. I had no idea that the passing of the TPP would mean the adoption of the same copyright laws we currently have in the U.S. in all ratifying countries. I can see how this may be a difficult aspect to accept for states with less comprehensive copyright and intellectual property laws, as well as why the TPP would make it much harder to change our laws in the future.

All in all, I really enjoyed the presentation style of the card stack. Increasingly, I feel that the attention span of the average reader is shrinking, so breaking down information into digestible sections is a smart move for the writer. It also allows the reader to choose relevant cards to view instead of throwing all of the information at them at once. The interactivity and mobile aspects also lend themselves to better readership.