Vox Cards: The 18 best TV shows airing right now

Being an avid TV watcher, the pop culture box set of  The 18 best TV shows airing right now caught my eye to see what was upcoming and currently being considered as the best of the best on television. Also, I’m always interested in what people take into consideration when comparing television shows due to production costs and narratives within an hour. Production costs due to the fact TV traditionally has lower production cost than movies.

In order to rank, a TV show must have been airing for six weeks. However, the TV shows are listed alphabetically and not actually ranked in order of quality, which I was looking forward to seeing what they thought was the best show.

I found that some shows I had heard of such as Full Frontal with Samantha B and Stranger Things on Netflix. Other TV shows such as The A Word about autism had a compelling description and is something I am intrigued to look into.

Some TV shows are featured only on new streaming sites such as Netflix and Hulu which reflects the changing platform of television and a shift away from cable. As a millennial still paying for cable, I was shocked to see that six of the 18 listed were on online sites only.