Clinton Behind Bars?

hu8kanuPresidential Candidate, Donald Trump, made a very controversial comment during the second presidential debate on Sunday, October 8th.  After Hilary Clinton stated that it was a good thing Trump is not in charge of the law. Trump’s response was, “Because you’d be in jail.” He said he would “instruct his attorney general to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Clinton’s use of private email server while she was secretary of state.” This shocking response weakens Trump’s chance of winning in two different ways. One, it gives another reason why middle aged women will not vote for him and two, if Trump is elected president, it questions if he will abuse his power.

Do we really want a president who will waste time on something that will not even matter after the election? Trump is said to have too big of an ego and because of this, it does not make him a good fit to be president. His comment only makes this argument stronger. After countless of investigations before and during the election and finding Clinton not guilty, what would be the point of Trump digging even more if he were elected? Jus to prove that he was right? The president has better things to attend to like, running the country, instead of looking into pasts that are irrelevant now. This comment only solidifies voters who are anti-Trump because of his ego and persuades undecided voters that he is not fit for the job because he is unstable and quick to make an irrational decision. Trump is just beating a dead horse with the emails and is not doing a very good job proving that Hilary is untruthful in other areas but he is doing a very good job in proving that he is unstable. The running is not looking good for good ole Donald Trump.


Try Again, Trump

usa-election-trumpThe question that opened the second presidential debate was, “Do you model behavior appropriate for today’s youth?” Trump creatively pivoted his answer to discuss law and order and his vision to make America great again. Trump expressed disdain for the current state of the country regarding the police department and law and order. Trump mentioned the recent shootings in Charlotte and Baltimore and the frequency of these events happening in our country. By mentioning the horrible shootings that have occurred recently, Trump was able to set the stage to make his slogan, “Make America great again” more persuasive. He demonstrated to his audience that America needs improvement, and that he can be the candidate to make it great again.

Trump’s response failed to give solid, legitimate plans he may have to make America great and to resolve the shootings that have recently occurred. Trump did his best to speak to minority voters whom he needs to garner support from. In his response, he mentioned fixing up inner cities for African Americans, Latinos, and Hispanics. He finished his statement by saying, “I look forward to doing it.” Trump was attempting to rhetorically demonstrate his presidential qualities and accentuate his character. He continues to use law and order as a way to garner supports from minority voters, but his stance is not strong enough to create the effect he desires. Trump’s plan for increasing law and order in America was vague, and held no constructive future steps he would take as a president. In order to gain the support Trump needs from minority voters, he needs to make a more effective argument instead of telling minorities he would like to fix up the inner city for them. His response needs to be polished before he uses it to gain support from the minority voters he needs.

Sherriff Trump, Shots Fired!











Sunday night’s debate was only missing the tumbleweed as both candidates were locked in an almost western tense duel for the ages. Trump came into the fight with a gun wound tapes surfaced only days before showing crass behavior through his language towards women. Regardless of the setbacks he would bring his quick draw to the table making it anyone’s game.

This second presidential debate brought insight into the candidates as they addressed questions of racial relations. In an attempt to sway African American Voters Trump opened with, “I want to do things that haven’t been done, including fixing and making our inner cities better for the African-American citizens that are so great”. Despite his words, Trumps tone made it clear which side he aligns with as the story of law and order continues to play out. He drilled this message backing police officers, “We have to bring back respect to law enforcement”. Trump cited his many endorsements by enforcement agencies failing to understand the public outcry with many of the organizations. Finally, his true colors emerged as he took out his gold star and pinned it to his suit and stared down Clinton “If I win, I am going to instruct my attorney general to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation”

This may strike well with his fleeting base support. What will not strike well are the rumors of a tape containing profane language against African Americans on the horizon. Sources from the apprentice crew hint at tapes containing racist slurs. If such a tape is released tension between the community Trump aims to fix may be severed completely, or there might be backlash at events as his campaign comes to a close.

With a closing campaign, some republicans are abandoning ship and Trump lashing out, “Disloyal R’s are far more difficult than Crooked Hillary.” They come at you from all sides. They don’t know how to win- I will teach them!” Republicans defectors be warned. There is a new sheriff in town and you might not be able to leave or you too might find yourself “in jail.”

Law, Jail, and Hillary Oh My!

While the two  presidential candidates have made interesting remarks to one another, Trump has now said that if  he’s in charge Hillary would be in jail. You would think politicians would support the full due process, but the Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump made it clear he wants Secretary Clinton behind bars as soon as he is in charge. 
Trump, embracing the spirit of the “lock her up” mob chants at his rallies, threatened: “If I win I am going to instruct my attorney general to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation – there has never been so many lies and so much deception,” he threatened. Clinton said it was “awfully good” that someone with the temperament of Trump was not in charge of the law in the country, provoking another Trump jab: “Because you’d be in jail.”“She got caught in a total lie and now she is blaming the lie on the late, great Abraham Lincoln,” added Trump as Clinton attempted to defend leaked Wall Street speech transcripts. 
This was said in the 2nd presidential debate last Sunday night as a comment to Hillary calling  into question Trump’s ability to bring law and order as a president. Trump used this quote to push his Law & Order agenda as well as to question Clinton’s choices when it comes to Benghazi and the email scandal. There has been many posts in the media whether  or not the comment and the rhetoric behind it was funny for entertainment purposes, ,petty/rude, or a strategic move to show what he does to hold others accountable. These are a few different things that comes to mind with his agenda of bringing order by being an outsider to politics. This is no surprise that the two  candidates have different opinions about the topics of law & order, race relations, and policy, but I do hope that Trump watches his rhetoric because saying you are locking up the candidate that ran against in the presidential race does not sound well. This also does not help his narrative of being called outrageous, quick-tempered, and aggressive towards women, which has been an recurring narrative of him throughout this campaign.

Trump on the wrong side of “law and order”

Trump has characterized himself as the “law and order” candidate, which following Black Lives Matter protests and other civil rights movements, seems to not appeal to minority voters at all. These minority communities are taking a stand and making a statement, so the last thing they want to hear is “more police” or “more laws”, because that might mean “more discrimination”. We all know the black community does not want to revert back to an era in which discriminatory legislation overrides their success politically, economically, and socially.


So, I guess it would be safe to say that this argument for law and order is not an appeal to minority voters, but to white moderates who are still wondering if Trump is, in fact, the kind of person that will keep their families safe.


But moderates are also now seeing Trump’s legal issues piling up. If it’s not his taxes, it’s sexual harassment lawsuits, discrimination lawsuits with multiple businesses, fraud charges towards Trump University, or the fact that he solicited thousands of dollars in donations from charities New York without proper certification and is soon to be investigated by the Attorney General. (see end of this article).


From a communicative standpoint, Trump does not exhibit any apologia. He wants to be seen as a strong and powerful leader, so expressing any sympathy or regret for his actions would be the wrong for him. Instead, Trump likes to capitalize on the mistakes his opponent has made in the past. If he is able to paint her as the worser side of evil, he may actually have a shot at the presidency.


For someone who regularly pushes the argument of “law and order”, Trump sure is involved in a myriad of litigation that he seems to be at the wrong end of!  Maybe, before he considered taking the “law and order” stance, he should have gotten himself out of all the legal trouble and been able to practice what he preaches.

Image result for trump law and order

Is Trump Channeling his Inner Nixon?

Richard Nixon, poses, June 22, 1960. (AP Photo)
Richard Nixon, poses, June 22, 1960. (AP Photo)

Donald Trump hit the ground running at the Republican National Convention playing off his slogan, “Make America Great Again,” to “Make Our Country Safe Again.” This new slogan then generates a question in the audience’s mind of when was America not safe, what happened, and when did it change? Yes there have been tragedies in Baton Rouge and Dallas but if you look back at history, crime and violence has been pretty steady throughout time. So if this is the case, then why is Trump making an outburst for “law and order?”

The answer is simple, even though crime is relatively low right now; Trump is channeling the issue of crime to represent other worries that the American people might have. He did not think of this tactic on his own, but rather channeling the tactics that Nixon has once used. Trump is reusing Nixon’s tactics similar to the “Silent Majority.” Silent majority is an unspecified large group of people in a country or group who do not express their public opinion. United States President Richard Nixon popularized the silent majority in 1969 speech when he stated, “And so tonight—to you the great silent majority of my fellow Americans—I ask for you support.” As Nixon was running for president, he was dealing with issues of anti-war protests, violent, and difficult social and cultures more. He channeled the issue of crime to represent these other worries that people might have. When Trump promises to make America “safe again,” he is using crime to represent other anxieties Americans have such as “immigration and pluralism, regional economic stagnation, and international unrest.” It will be hard to convince the American people of something that doesn’t particularly occur but only a business sales man can do the job.

Trump SVU

Much like adonald-trump-and-former-miss-universe-alicia-machado-leden episode of the hit television show Law and order SVU, Republican Presidential Nominee Donald Trump finds himself the victim in in a new situation each and every week. But instead of a team of detectives searching for the alleged assailant, it is always Trump who is to blame for his incompetence in regards to running a presidential campaign. After a horrendous performance at last week’s debate it would behoove the republican candidate to follow his own advice and seek out law and order, but Trump can’t seem to keep the topic on law and order. It was brought up by Hillary Clinton at the end of the debate that trump fat-shamed former Miss Universe Alicia Machado, and instead of simply moving on Trump dragged the topic back up to Fox and Friends hosts for the rest of the media to pick up on.

How can trump maintain law and order when he keeps stepping into the traps laid out by the other side?  Trump can’t seem to get any headway with women and minority voters. With more of these outlandish comments he furthers his ability to reach out to them. Luckily Mike Pence came in hot and heavy to the Vice Presidential debate in order to save to day. With a strong performance he was able to display that Trump may have at least understand who to surround himself with. Pence was able to carry this week’s political law and order episode to a suspenseful Sunday night showdown in the upcoming debate, but will we see more of the same old story from Trump?

Make America Safe Again

trumpOn September 21, 2016 Trump was invited by an African American pastor, Darrell Scott, to speak about the police shootings of African Americans in Tulsa, Oklahoma and Charlotte, North Carolina. In order to win the election, it is critical that Trump raises his support among the African American population. Therefore, Trump’s rhetorical response to the Darrell Scott’s question about the police shootings was a response that would gain support among the largely African American audience. Trump stated that he was “troubled” by the shootings. Trump attempted to form a response that would support police officers, yet resonate with his African American audience that he was empathetic and wanted to do something about the issue. Trump acknowledged that there were problems in police departments. Trump recognized that people who would “choke” on duty should not be in the police system. Trump needed to form a rhetorical argument that would show his African American audience that he was empathetic and would fix the issue, yet maintain support from his law enforcement endorsers. Trump needs to declare a stance on law and order that will increase his support, but he has failed to do so in an effective manner.

On September 21, 2016, Trump tweeted “Make America Safe Again” which was a smart rhetorical move to gain support from his African American audience. Trump’s rhetoric of law and order is an attempt to gain voter support from African American population. In Trump’s conversation with Pastor Darrell Scott and other pastors, his message for the audience is powerful and will resonate with them. Is that powerful enough for the rest of the population? Trump has been making serious attempts to increases his support, but unfortunately, this message of his will not have enough power to gain the support he needs.

Law & Order: DJT Donald J. Trump

Law & Order
Law & Order

While the Republican Presidential Candidate, Donald J. Trump is known for various sayings during his campaign. One of that is on the rise the concept of “law and order”. This has been mentioned not only at his rallies, but in interviews, debates, and on social media. In the most recent presidential debate Trump brought up law and order in both the race in America discussion. He frequently mentions law and order with his strong support of stop and frisk. As well as bring stop and frisk back to NY, and bringing it to Chicago as well other cities to bring them “law and order”. Law and order is brought up when race is mentioned as well when something about the current situations of crime, police brutality, discrimination, and minorities. This quote sounds strange when you hear a candidate talk about groups of people as “the blacks”, and other terms that generalize them. Even on our campus there is different voters saying they have mixed feelings about a nominee saying “I am law and order” as her said in the first presidential debate last week. With this presidential race being so polarized, the media is putting the candidates at other.In a September 11, 2016 Politico article by Same Nelson, there was a speech in Virgina Beach given by Trump that said “We must maintain law and order at the highest level or we will cease to have a country, 100 percent,” . This quote along with other quotes that praised law enforcement came only a few days after the Dallas shooting of 5 officers. While this quote happened this summer, there have been plenty more saying how Trump envisions himself as law and order, and vague descriptions of stop and frisk, blacks trusting him with presidency, favoring and praising law enforcement, and defending the 2nd amendment that have all been used to aide in Donald Trumps speeches and answers on why Law & Order is important.

Nelson, Louis. “Trump: ‘I Am the Law and Order Candidate’ Read More: Http:// Follow Us: @politico on Twitter | Politico on Facebook.” Politico. N.p., 11 Sept. 2016. Web. 3 Oct. 2016.
O’Keefe Meghan and Mann Brian Maxwell 22 July 2016 // 2:10pm
Your First Look At Donald Trump’s Version of ‘Law & Order’ (VIDEO)Decider Wen. 3 ct. 2016

Trump uses “law and order” to garner minority votes… and it backfires.

This August, Donald Trump spoke in West Bend, Wisconsin after anti-police riots in Milwaukee had broken out the week before. The riots, a response to the shooting of 23-year-old Sylville Smith by a police officer, took a violent turn resulting in gunshot, arson, and several injured police officers and rioters.west-end-speech

Trumps resounding response? Law and Order. And he doesn’t forget to throw the democratic incumbents Clinton and Obama under the bus, no he doesn’t! He makes claims that the Democratic Party says that they care about African Americans and Black Lives Matter, but that Clinton, on her throne of untrustworthiness, doesn’t truly care about their well-being. He claims that Clinton is all talk, but “I will be your fighter. Believe me, I will be your fighter.” In his speech he also says, “Law and order must be restored. It must be restored for the sake of all, but most especially, for the sake of those living in the affected communities…the main victims of these riots are law abiding African American citizens, living in these neighborhoods. It’s their jobs, it’s their homes, it’s their schools, it’s their communities which will suffer the most as a result.” He also calls for more policemen.

But does more police equal more protection? Does “law and order” blmmean the same thing to African American voters as it would mean to Trump’s white constituency? Perhaps not. Unfortunately, many black citizens in America today do not associate the words “law and order” with peace and protection, but rather systematic racism, gun violence, and countless deaths of their loved ones in the black community. So, Trump’s pro-police stance during this speech ended up further alienating black voters.

See Trump’s speech in West Bend: