Small Batch: You’re listening to Delilah

This was a very delightful exercise, almost like a trip down memory lane, because my days of driving forever to get to a store or pretty much any destination have been left behind since moving to Georgia.  Everything is so conveniently located here!  I barely drive more than 15 minutes at a time.  But back in the days of looong drives on almost a daily basis, NPR was a wonderful companion.

It was difficult to choose one podcast from the NPR site since there are so many great ones.  But, I went with one from the pop culture happy hour, just for fun.  I choose a David Greene piece about the Delilah radio show, featuring an interview with Delilah.  I’ll confess that I’ve listened to that during at least a few nighttime drives.  Schmaltzy but still … it draws you in!

So, enough back story.  One thing I liked about this podcast was its smooth transitions between segments.  It’s seamless.  For instance, at one point, Delilah says that everyone thinks she’s so nice but she feels like screaming that she’s really just exhausted (a false dichotomy, but this isn’t about logic …).  Greene picks up the next segment by talking about all the things she juggles in her life.  Another thing I liked was the clarity with no competing sound in the background.  Along with that, there was no talking over one another as might be the case on some podcasts in which rapid fire dialogue results in more than one person talking at once.  Of course, this is NPR, so we can expect exemplary standards!

The podcast is available by scrolling down to Aug. 17, 2016 on NPR’s Pop Culture Happy Hour website.


  1. 0:00 – 0:10 Intro music
  2. 0:10 – 3:20 Dialogue between Linda Holmes, editor of Pop Culture at NPR, and David Greene, host of the Morning Edition. In this dialogue Holmes “chats” with Greene about his interview with Delilah.  He gives an overview of the Delilah show.
  3. 3:21-3:41 Greene speaks to Delilah (interview). This is just the introduction as he greets her and she gives her signature words, “This is Delilah.”
  4. 3:42 – 3:59 Voice over by Greene
  5. 4:00 – 4:15 Greene plays a clip in which Delilah is talking to a caller.
  6. 4:16 – 4:26 Voice over by Greene
  7. 4:27 – 4:40 Greene speaks to Delilah (interview).
  8. 4:41 – 5:01 Voice over by Greene
  9. 5:02 – 6:36 Main part of interview of Delilah by Greene begins
  10. 6:37 – 6:44 Voice over by Greene
  11. 6:45 – 10:00 Back to interview with Delilah
  12. 10:00 – 10:09 Song chosen by Delilah to end interview begins to play softly in the background while interview winds down, gets louder and louder
  13. 10:10 – 10:20 Song plays at higher volume after interview ends
  14. 10:21 – 10:31 Greene gives concluding synopsis of piece and does sign-off
  15. 10:31 – 10:44 Song plays at full volume