Schroder – Relevant vertical, website

The website provides information about homelessness in general and in the Athens area.  According to a video resource on the site (found under “be involved” and “going home kits”), Athens has higher rate of homelessness than does Atlanta!  I’m not one to accept most statements at face value and would investigate the source of that before quoting.  Nevertheless, it is a problem of significant proportions and one that impacts downtown due to the number of struggling individuals on the streets.

This website also provides information about resources available to homeless individuals and families as well as ways in which community members can help.  The “About Us” page lists directors and coordinators, potential sources for articles relevant to this series.

After some deliberation, I decided to also link an article from The Atlantic on how life story narratives can help people cope with adversity: (homelessness certainly being an aversive circumstance!).  The ideas are awesome and I’m glad to share them.  I’m not sure how or whether to incorporate them into the articles to be written this semester, but here’s a glimpse …

Note: figuring out how to name the hyperlink instead of having the long url …