2 thoughts on “Xirui’s Porfolio

  1. Hi Daisy,
    I wanted to take the time to look at your portfolio since you were kind enough to look at mine (I’m also just really enjoying seeing everyone’s!). I like that you include a picture of you on the homepage, but I notice that you don’t explicitly say that you are a journalist, and I wonder if that might be confusing to readers. Secondly, I found the slideshows of your photos to be somewhat glitchy (which is another reason I don’t use those on my site–I used to try to do those, but would get comments saying things like “won’t load,” so I changed it). I might also consider changing your menu to read “Photography” rather than “Photo.” Great job overall!

  2. I like the layout of your website, Daisy, and I love the photo of you on the homepage. The naming of your website is a little difficult, though. Is there any way you could work with your domain host to shorten it and remove “worldpresscom”?

    I also like that you’ve posted several blogs, but they’re a little disorganized on the homepage. Might you be able to align them such that the words and pictures match in a column-style format? That would make my eyes stop bouncing around the page. You may also consider placing your blogs on their own dedicated page instead of the homepage itself.

    I like your Photo and About pages, although I recommend switching their order at the top of your page: I want to know who you are before I see what you do. Also on the Photo page, I’d recommend adding an “s” to Photo (i.e., “Photos”) and The Great Smoky Mountain (i.e., “Mountains”). You’re sharing more than one photo and there are multiple mountains, so they should be pluralized. Finally, on the About page, save your contact information for your appropriately named Contact page, and add dashes and parentheses in your phone number (i.e., (706) 206-9788 or 706-206-9788).

    Good job!

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