About Me

Katherine Hoovestol in Salzburg during the Travel Journalism in Munich 2018 program. Photo credit: McKenzie Lovelace

My name is Katherine Hoovestol, and I am a graduating Honors student at the University of Georgia majoring in Entertainment & Media Studies and German, minoring in Transnational European Studies, and earning certificates in Interdisciplinary Writing and Digital Humanities. In the fall of 2021, I’ll be starting my Master’s degree in media studies (Radio-Television-Film) at the University of Texas at Austin. I have a love of storytelling and a passion for research, and while I still do not know exactly where I see myself professionally, I know those aspects about myself will never change.

I have worked for UGA Libraries in Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection since 2019, and currently am finishing up my work as a Franklin College Undergraduate Research assistant and my work for my Digital Humanities Colloquium Presentation (which I will now be presenting at conferences in the summer of 2021). I have a love for transnational media and travel, and have studied abroad twice while at UGA through the Grady College of Journalism, once to Munich and again to the Cannes Film Festival in 2019.

In my free time, I am an avid reader of books and watcher of television (with some movies thrown in here or there). I have 123 playlists on Spotify and counting after getting an account a little less than two years ago, and have personal issues with both the Duolingo owl and Odysseus’s role in starting the Trojan War. I am an unapologetic lover of teen dramas and advocate for their audiences, and I stand by that semi-joking argument I once made of Josh Schwartz and Stephanie Savage being the epitome of television auteurism. I ultimately see myself potentially working in media and/or audience research at an industrial level, but I have not completely disregarded going further in academia, either. As long as I can keep my love of people, cultures, media, and stories alive in my work, I know that I can find fulfillment professionally.

Up Next…Reflection