Academic Research

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This section of my portfolio highlights the progression of my independent research from summer 2019 to winter 2020, although I am actually still continuing to research this same case study and field. I am consistently fascinated with the intersection between fan studies and transnational media flows, specifically how fans themselves can constitute means of media distribution. The case study I have been working since even the very end of my first literature review is the Norwegian franchise Skam, focusing on its fandom and subsequent remakes.

Research really pushes both my writing and thinking, and studying something that is an ongoing case study has taught me both patience and vigilance within media studies. I first thought of Skam when I was going through articles and papers for my literature review (pictured above) and read an article about the series; I had watched the original series when it was on and had not ever framed the events that I experienced in real time within the context of media studies, but once I did and researched the larger franchise I realized just how vast of a subject this case study was in terms of both fan studies and international media franchising. I am currently presenting a project on Skam for my Digital Humanities capstone, creating different types of digital visualizations in Tableau from different data sets to show how we can re-evaluate the industrial perception of piracy when it comes to engaging with competing ownership models (namely the affective and financial ownership models). Learning how to communicate different aspects of this case study for different audiences has definitely been a process for me, but I think it will only continue to strengthen my work as a researcher.