German Senior Seminar creates a collaborative newspaper for final project

German Senior Seminar, Spring 2020

I’ve linked the press release I wrote for the Germanic & Slavic Studies Department after leading a final project in place of a senior thesis (due to moving to virtual learning in spring of 2020). I, with one other editor-in-chief and other lead editors, arranged for the class to produce a period-appropriate, German-language newspaper in Wisconsin, based off of one of the plays we read in class, “For Mayor Godfrey Buehler.” This project was definitely a pretty significant task to get together, as each student had to write one article, after which we ran the editing workflow and layout to get the newspaper together. After this, I designed the website with one other website designer on a Weebly site, which is linked in this press release. While a very different type of writing than I am used to, Der Porcupine City Volkswächter is something that I am really proud to have been a major component of.

Link to the press release.

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