After tracking my media usage twice last week, I was fascinated to see if the amount of media I used was just a fluke. I decided to track another weekday but this time on Wednesday, so I could see if it was just my Tuesday/Thursday classes that required so much media. After analyzing the data from Wednesday I know realize that media usage is inevitable in one’s life. Wednesday began around 11 am for me with a quick look to my social media. After checking all of my favorite sites, I headed to Bolton for a quick breakfast before my Anthropology class, where I would be lectured for a straight 50 minutes. Constantly looking at projector will never go out of style I guess. I can bet I will be exposed to this style of teaching for the next four years. After Anthropology, I went hope and watched two episodes of a series on Netflix and had to head over to Interpersonal Communications class. During this class we actually had an activity so I had more one on one personal interaction which gave me a slight break from my media usage. After class I headed home and studied in the Creswell study lounge, reading my geography textbook for roughly two hours, and then watched Netflix for another two hours. This is the rough outline of my Wednesday.
I now wonder if it is college that is exposing me to so much media or if it just the lifestyle of the 21st century. Looking back on high school, you begin to realize that you were exposed to media for a nonstop eight hours. Going from class to class, having lecture after lecture. To take a break from this media, you would try to sneak a look at your social media. It’s interesting to think that, while in college, I actually have more of an option to cut back on my usage, because I am no longer forced to sit in class for eight hours. The media I consume on a daily basis is because I have trained my brain to no longer be pleased with doing nothing. I have to keep myself preoccupied in some way otherwise who knows what will happen. Whether it be on my way to class or simply sitting in my room. I am never quite doing nothing.