Each article presented strategies to audit your personal brand, some in the same way but some had different strategies. I thought it was very interesting that they all said go type your name in Google and see what pops up. I did that and the first three things that popped up were my Facebook page, my Vine account, and a Prezi presentation that I once created in high school. I then clicked on images and none of the images were of me, they were all of Simone Biles, the U.S. Olympic Gymnast.
Referring to the article, “A Painless Way to Do a Personal Social Media Audit,” the author asked “Do you collect social media and networking accounts?” I had to stop and think because there are some accounts that I have that I haven’t used in a very long time. They are just sitting around and nothing is happening on them because I don’t use them. Going back to the Google search and my Vine account popping up, I can’t tell you the last time I got on Vine which means I could probably delete it. I guess Twitter could be one that I don’t keep up with either because I rarely get on it. On Twitter there is just too much going on and people are always tweeting so I’m never up to date. Skype is something else I have an account for and haven’t used it in years, don’t even think I know my account information anymore. Pinterest, I don’t usually get on it unless I’m really bored or need like a cute idea for something.
I’m very careful with what I post on social media. I know that there’s someone always watching the account or looking at it. I don’t want people to think differently of me because of what I post on social media so I don’t give them a reason to. The impressions someone would get about me from my social media account would be that, I love kids, have a passion to serve and go on mission trips, love my family, and love the Georgia Bulldogs. I don’t have anything to hide on my social media accounts. I don’t think I need to make changes but I could possibly delete my Vine account because I will most likely never use it again. I would say my social media is accurate about my life.