After reading the three articles about social media branding, I felt like a social media loser because I basically don’t do anything that they were saying. I don’t “Google” myself, I don’t care enough to delete my ugly middle school Facebook pictures, and I’m pretty sure I have a different user name for all of my social media accounts. The main reason I’m so behind in my social media branding is because I don’t really look at my social media as a brand. Do I want people to get a good impression of me from my social media? Sure, but that doesn’t mean I sit there and obsess over the way it looks. There’s nothing wrong with that because the first article was right about our online voices weighing heavily these days, but I look at social media as a fun platform to share cool pictures and funny posts with people. I don’t have a huge social media following, so it isn’t really necessary for me to try and brand myself. I also don’t post frequently enough for my posts to be anything more than just a snapshot of a fun experience I had at some random time. I’m still cautious of what I put on social media because I’ve learned the hard way (aka middle school pictures on Facebook) that what you put on social media never really goes away, but I don’t really look so deep into social media as to try and have a personal brand. I honestly wouldn’t know where to begin and am too lazy for that