After documenting all of my media use for one weekday and one weekend day, I realized just how much time I dedicate towards using media. I knew that I spent a good amount of time on media, but I really did not realize just how much time I spend on my phone especially. I also realized how little apps I use, after documenting both days I only used two different apps, Instagram and Snapchat. During the weekday I was hoping that I didn’t use a lot of media besides books and using my laptop for classes, but it turns out the day I did my documenting I literally did not have any school work to do, so all of my media use was dedicated to my phone and the TV, which made me feel pretty bad about myself! What I thought was interesting about my weekday documenting was I used Snapchat a lot less than I thought, because I realized how much it drains my battery, and I even realized that if I open Snapchat when my phone batter is at 30% or lower, my phone will immediately run out of battery. I happened to go home this weekend, so I my documentation for my weekend day was very different than my average weekend day media use. Since I was with my family, I used my phone a lot less than I normally would, and I watched more TV than I usually would on an average weekend day or weekday because of NFL games, despite the fact that my team the Patriots had a bye week. My TV use topped 3 hours today and my phone use ended up being less than that. Even though it was not a typical weekend day, I realized just how much my entertainment relies on my phone and TV!