After logging my media use last week, I decided to log my use another day, to see if anything has changed. I chose to do this experiment on Thursday because I didn’t have a test on Friday, and had a date night that night.
I began to notice that I still use media as frequently as I did before. I had two 75 minute classes back to back on Thursday, and I found myself scrolling through my media when the lecture got boring, or shifting to a different website while taking notes on my laptop. When I was done with class I decided to do other things to distract myself from using media. I took a nap, and also went to an hour workout class where phones are not even allowed in the room. These were both nice breaks from using media, and I felt better as if I had been on a “media cleanse” for those couple of hours. It is difficult to stay loyal to this cleanse however, because I feel as if my phone is constantly going off because of groupme’s, or I’m constantly using it to listen to Spotify in the car or when I’m studying. I also still feel the constant urge to scroll through instagram or check snapchat, basically all the time. It’s become almost an addiction that I feel is very difficult to break, especially when I am trying to do other things, or have nothing to do at all.
All in all, this experiment has made me realize that I am dependent on my media, and while it will be difficult to limit myself on a daily basis, I will continue to try and take hour breaks to do other things, and distract me from all of the technology around me.
I like the idea of a phone-free zone (like your workout class) as providing a media cleanse—not just making you put away the phone but also giving you something healthy and life-affirming to focus on. Maybe that’s the point: not anti-media Puritanism but just a more balanced and varied life.