Social Media 1

The issue that has always bothered me most about social media, as mentioned in the “Terms and Conditions” article, is the aspect of putting up a front on social media;  trying too hard to show other people how many friends you have and how much fun you’re having. I’ve never been a social media addict, but I’m guilty of this too at times. It feels like a trap my generation is inevitably stuck in (especially girls). I’ve heard people say so many things that reveal a lot of negative aspects of our society.  For example, “I already have a caption for tonight,” before even arriving to whatever event it may be. The pressure of putting up a front on social media is a serious problem that a lot of people don’t even recognize.

Then there’s the comparison game, when girls see other posts and wonder whether or not they’re as good as the other person, if they don’t have enough friends, if they don’t go to enough parties, or why they don’t get as many likes. In a way, this may have gotten even worse in college. People are trying to seem like they’re having the time of their lives, and are more concerned with photos and social media than actually having the time of their lives. I think this stems from the dependence our generation has on what other people think of us, myself included.

Personally, Instagram was my biggest problem, but I think I’m doing a lot better with managing social media time. In high school, I was concerned with  how my social life compared with other people’s sometimes. Now, college has me way busier, to the point where I often don’t have time to check social media. So far, college has been a great experience where I’ve been having fun in the moment wherever I am instead of focusing on social media.


One thought on “Social Media 1”

  1. “I already have a caption for tonight”—that kind of blows my mind! Social media as a “problem” (but staying busy as the solution?). These are thoughtful and somewhat troubling reflections.

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